Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

51.  A hydrometer is used to determine
A. Relative humidity B. Buoyancy force
C. Specific gravity of liquids D. Viscosity of liquids
E. Surface tension    

52.  In isentropic flow, the temperature
A. Cannot exceed the reservoir temperature B. Cannot drop and then increase again downstream
C. Is independent of Mach number D. Is a function of Mach number only
E. Remains constant in a duct flow    

53.  In an isothermal atmosphere
A. Pressure decreases linearly with elevation B. Pressure is constant all over
C. Pressure varies in the same way as density D. Pressure increases directly as the square of height
E. Pressure varies exponentially with density    

54.  The dynamic viscosity of most of the gases with rise in gas temperature
A. Increases B. Increases as ?T
C. Increses inversely as ?T D. Decreases
E. Does not change significantly    

55.  The flow of water in a pipe of diameter 3000 mm can be measured by
A. Venturimeter B. Rotameter
C. Nozzle D. Pitot tube
E. Orifice plate    

56.  A fluid is a substance that
A. Always expands until it fills any container B. Has the same shear stress at a point regardless of its motion
C. Cannot remain at rest under action of any sher force D. Cannot be subjected to shear forces
E. Is practically incompressible    

57.  The resultant hydrostatic force acts through a point known as
A. Centre of gravity B. Centre of buoyancy
C. Centre of Pressure D. None of the above

58.  The hydrostatic law states that rate of increase of pressure in a vertical direction is equal to
A. Density of the fluid B. Specific weight of the fluid
C. Weight of the fluid D. None of the above

59.  An ideal fluid is
A. Very viscous B. One which obeys Newton's law of viscosity
C. A useful assumption in problems in conduit flow D. Frictionless and incompressible
E. None of these answers    

60.  An ideal flow of any liquid must fulfil
A. Newton's second law of motion B. Bernulli's theorem
C. The Newton's law of viscosity D. Law of conservation of energy
E. Countinuity equation    

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