Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

521.  The condition for the stable equilibrium of a floating body is
A. The metercentre should lie above he e.g B. The centre of buoyancy and the c.g must lie on the same vertical line
C. All of the above D. None of the above

522.  For hypersonic flow, the Mach no, is
A. Unity B. Greater than unity
C. Creater than two D. Greater than four
E. Greater than ten    

523.  Newton's law of viscosity states that shear stress is directly proportional to
A. Velocity gradient B. Velocity
C. Shear strain D. viscosity

524.  Model analysis of free surface flows are based on
A. Reynold's no B. Froude no.
C. Mach no. D. Euler no.

525.  If the specific speed of turbine is more than 300, the type of turbine is
A. Pelton B. Kaplan
C. Francis D. Pelton with nose jets

526.  For a laminar flow through a pipe the shear stress over a cross-section
A. Varies inversely as the distance from the centre of the pipe B. Varies directly as the distance from the surface of pipe
C. Varies directly as the distance from the centre of the pipe D. Remains canstant over the cross-section

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