Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

511.  The velocity distribution in a turbulent flow in a pipe is often assumed to
A. vary parabolically B. be zero at the wall and increase linearly to the centre
C. vary according to the 1/7 th power law D. be unpredictable and is thus not used
E. be maximum at the wall and decrease linearly to the centre    

512.  The depth of water in a 3 m wide rectangular, finished concrete channel is 2m. If the slope is 0.001, estimate the flow rate, in m3/s
A. 14 B. 13
C. 12 D. 11
E. 10    

513.  A surge wave is an example of
A. steady uniform flow B. steady non-uniform flow
C. unsteady uniform flow D. unsteady non-uniform flow

514.  Pressure drag results from
A. Skin friction B. Deformation drag
C. development D. Occurrence of a wake

515.  Meter associated with viscosity
A. Saybolt B. Orsat
C. Redwood D. Engler

516.  The head loss in a pipe flow can be calculated using
A. the Bernoulli equation B. Darcy's law
C. the Chezy Manning equation D. the Momentum equation
E. The darcy Weisbach equation    

517.  In a turbulent flow in a pipe we know the
A. Reynolds number is greater than 10,000 B. Fluid particles move in straight lines
C. Head loss varies linearly with the flow rate D. Shear stress varies linearly with radius
E. Viscous stresses dominate    

518.  Reynold's no. may be defined as the ratio of
A. Viscous forces to inertial forces B. Elastic forces to pressure forces
C. Viscous forces to gravity forces D. Gravity forces to thertial forces
E. None    

519.  Eulers dimensionless number relates the following
A. Inertial force and gravity B. Viscous force and inertial
C. Pressure force and inertial force D. Pressure force and viscous force

520.  As the pump speed increases, its NPSH (net positive section head) requirement
A. Increases B. Decreases
C. Remains unaffected D. May increase or decrease
E. None    

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