Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

501.  What pressure, in Mpa, must be maintained in a diving bell, at a depth of 1200 m, to keep out the ocean water (S = 1.03)
A. 1.24 B. 5.16
C. 9.32 D. 12.1
E. 14.3    

502.  Predict the pressure, in kPa, at an elevation of 2000 m, in an isothermal atmosphere assuming T = 20?C. Assume Patm = 100 kPa
A. 87 B. 82
C. 79 D. 71
E. 63    

503.  A U-tube manometer, attached to an air pipe, measures 20 cm of mercury. The pressure, in kPa, in the air pipe is
A. 26.7 B. 32.4
C. 38.6 D. 42.5
E. 51.3    

504.  What pressure differential, in pascals, exists at the bottom of a 3 m vertical wall if the temperature inside is 20?C and outside it is -20?C. Assume equal pressures at the top
A. 15 B. 12
C. 9 D. 6
E. 3    

505.  In Hagen-poiseuille flow of viscous liquid, one of the following pairs of forces strike a balance:
A. Inertia and viscous forces B. Pressure and viscous forces
C. Gravity and viscous forces D. Inertia and gravity forces

506.  Uniform flow in a channel is characterised by which of the following statements:
A. Gradient of the total energy is parallel to the channel bed B. Total energy remains constant along the channel
C. Specific energy varies along the length of the channel D. Total energy line either rises or falls depending on Froude number

507.  Water turbines may be put in the decreasing order of specific speed as
A. Propeller turbine, Reaction turbine Impulse turbine B. Pelton wheel, Francis turbine, Kaplan turbine
C. Reaction turbine Impulse turbine Propeller turbine D. None of the above

508.  A fluid is a substance that
A. is essentially incompressible B. always moves when subjected to a shearing stress
C. has a viscosity that always increases with temperature D. has a viscosity that always decreases with temperature
E. expands until it fills its space    

509.  The parameters with determine the friction factor of turbulent flow in a rough pipe are
A. Froude number and relative roughness B. Froude number and Mach number
C. Reynolds number and relative roughness D. Mach number and relative roughness

510.  A circular plate 1 m in diameter submerged vertically in water such that its upper edge is 8 m below the free surface of water. The total hydrostatic pressure force on one side of the plate is
A. 6.7 kN B. 65.4 kN
C. 45.0 kN D. 77.0 kN

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