Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

41.  A hydro-electric site has a head of 100 m and an average discharge of 10m3/s. Assume 92% efficiency, for a greater speed of 6000 rpm, the specific speed of turbine would be
A. 600 B. 1000
C. 1500 D. 1900
E. None of the above    

42.  Four piezometer openings in the same cross-section of a cast iron pipe indicate the following pressure for simultaneous reading: 43, 42.6, 42.4 37 mm Hg. What value should be taken for the pressure?
A. 41.5 B. 43
C. 37 D. 42.67
E. None of the above    

43.  The horizontal component of force on a curved surface is equal to the
A. Weight of liquid vertically above the curved surface B. Weight of liquid retained by the curved surface
C. Product of pressure at its centroid and area D. Force on a projection of the curved surface into a vertical plane
E. Scalar sum of all elemented horizontal components    

44.  1 N/m2 pressure is equivalent to
A. 1 pascal B. 10-5 bar
C. 10-2 kg/m sec2 D. 7.5 x 10-3 mm Hg
E. Any of the above    

45.  1 lb/in2 pressure is equivalent to
A. 144 lb/ft2 B. 6.8046 x 10-2
C. 6.8947 x 103 kg/m-sec2 D. 0.06895 bar
E. Any of the above    

46.  A stationary body immersed in a river has a maximum pressure of 69 Kpa exerted on it at a distance of 5.4 m below the free surface. What velocity of river could be expected ?
A. 9 m/sec B. 5.4 m/sec
C. 3.82 m/sec D. 5.67 m/s
E. None of the above    

47.  The pressure in millimetres of mercury gauge, equivalent to 68 mm H2O plus 54.4 mm manometer fluid, sp. Gr. 2.5 is
A. 10 B. 12.5
C. 15.5 D. 17.5
E. 20    

48.  A mercury water manometer indicates a gauge difference of 400 mm. The difference in pressure, measured in metres of water, is
A. 0.4 B. 0.8
C. 1088 D. 5.44
E. None of the above    

49.  A pilot tube is used for the measurement of
A. Pressure B. Velocity
C. Viscosity D. Surface tension
E. Flow rate    

50.  A rotameter is a device used to measure
A. Velocity of fluid in pipes B. Velocity of gauges
C. Vortex flow D. Flow of fluids
E. Density of fluids    

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