Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

481.  What pressure, in kPa, is equivalent to 600 mm of Hg?
A. 100 B. 95.2
C. 80 D. 55.2
E. 51.3    

482.  The viscosity of a fluid varies with
A. temperature B. temperature and pressure
C. pressure D. density

483.  A streamline
A. occurs on all types of flows B. is the line along geometrical centre of the flow
C. is the line of equal velocity in a flow D. is fixed in space in space flow

484.  Find the odd one out
A. Pressure B. Unit shear stress
C. Energy D. Modulus of elasticity

485.  Which of the following will resist shear and its rate of deformation will be zero regardless of loading?
A. Ideal fluid B. Newtonian fluid
C. Ideal plastic D. Elastic solid

486.  Water enters a turbine at 900 kPa with negligible velocity. What maximum speed, in m/s, can it reach before it enters the turbine rotor?
A. 52 B. 47
C. 45 D. 42

487.  Two units are homologous when they are geometrically similar and have
A. Similar stream lines B. Same Reynolds number
C. Same Froudes number D. Same efficiency

488.  Water hammer in pipes takes place when
A. fluid is flowing with high velocity B. fluid is flowing with high pressure
C. flowing fluid is gradually brought to rest D. flowing fluid is suddenly brought to rest by closing the valve

489.  Model analysis of aeroplanes and projectiles moving at supersonic speed are based on
A. Reynold number B. Weber number
C. Froude number D. Euler number
E. Mach number    

490.  If the Froude number in open channel flow is equal to 1.0, the flow is known as
A. Laminar flow B. Turbulent flow
C. shooting flow D. critical flow
E. streaming flow    

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