Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

471.  Stanton diagram is a plot of
A. friction factor against Reynold number B. friction factor against log of Reynold number
C. log of friction factor against Reynold number D. log of driction factor against log of Reynold number

472.  To determine the reservoir storage capacity for a given uniform demand, one of the following data is most useful:
A. Unit hydrograph of the basin B. Stage discharge relation for the stream at the reservoir site
C. Daily flow-duration curve of the stream at the dam site D. Mass curve of the flow volume for several consecutive years

473.  A container carrying water is moved in a horizontal direction with an acceleration of 2.45 m/s2. The angle of inclination of the free water surface to the horizontal is
A. 14.03? B. 67.8?
C. 45? D. 0?

474.  The head over a 90? V-notch weir increases from 0.15 m to 0.3 m. The ratio of the new discharge to the original discharge is
A. 1.414 B. 2
C. 4 D. 5.657

475.  A 2m dia., 3 m high, cylindrical water tank is pressurized such that the pressure at the top is 20 kPa. The force in kN, acting on the bottom is
A. 195 B. 176
C. 155 D. 132
E. 106    

476.  The force, in kN acting on one of the 1.5 m sides of an open cubical water tank (which is full) is
A. 18.2 B. 16.5
C. 15.3 D. 12.1
E. 10.2    

477.  A rocket exits exhaust gases with p = 0.5 kg m3 out a 50 cm dia nozzle at a velocity of 1200 m/s. Estimate the thrust, in kN
A. 420 B. 280
C. 140 D. 90
E. 40    

478.  A high speed vehicle, travelling at 50 m/s, dips an 80 cm wide scoop into water and deflects the water 180. If it dips 5 cm deep what force, in kN, is exerted on the scoop?
A. 200 B. 120
C. 100 D. 50
E. 25    

479.  The viscosity of a fluid with specific gravity 1.3 is measured to be 0.0034 Ns/m2. Its kinematic viscosity, in m2/s, is
A. 2.6 x 10-6 B. 4.4 x 10-6
C. 5.8 x 10-6 D. 7.2 x 10-6
E. 9.6 x 10-6    

480.  Fresh water 2 m deep flows over the top of 4 m of salt water (S = 1.04). The pressure at the bottom, in kPa, is
A. 60.4 B. 58.8
C. 55.2 D. 51.3
E. 47.9    

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