Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

461.  Water at 20? C will rise, in a clean 1 mm dia. Glass tube, a distance, in cm, of
A. 1 B. 2
C. 3 D. 4
E. 5    

462.  Water at 20? C flows in a piping system at a low velocity. At what pressure, in kPa absolute, will cavitation result?
A. 35.6 B. 20.1
C. 10.6 D. 5.67
E. 2.45    

463.  In MLT units, velocity potential is expressed as
A. L2T B. L2T-2
C. L2T-1 D. LT-2

464.  The locus of elevations that water will rise in a series of pitot tubes is called
A. the hydraulic grade line B. the pressure head
C. the energy grade line D. the velocity head

465.  As the temperature decreases, the viscosity of a gas
A. increases, increases B. decreases, decreases
C. increases, decreases D. decreases, increases

466.  A 2 cm dia. Pipe transports water at 20 m/s. If it exits out 100 small 2 mm dia. Holes, the existing velocity, in m/s will be
A. 120 B. 80
C. 40 D. 20
E. 10    

467.  Water flows through a 2 cm dia. Pipe at 20 m/s. It then flows radially outward between two discs, 2 mm apart. When it reaches a radius of 40 cm its velocity, in m/s will be
A. 5 B. 2.5
C. 2.25 D. 1.85
E. 1.25    

468.  Viscosity will be the most important property in which of the following case:
A. Travel of a bullet through air B. Water jet issuing from a fire hose
C. Formation of soap bubbles D. Flow of castor oil through a pipe.

469.  Dynamic viscosity : Poise : kinematic viscosity:
A. A.P.I. B. N/m2
C. Stoke D. Slug

470.  Drag force is not a function of
A. projected area of the body B. velocity of the body
C. mass density of the body D. mass density of the fluid

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