Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

451.  The power output of a 10 : 1 scale model of a hydro turbine is measured to be 20 W. The power output in kW expected from the prototype is
A. 200 B. 150
C. 100 D. 63
E. 2    

452.  The velocity in a 2 cm-diameter pipe is 20 m/s. If the pipe enlarges to 5 cm diameter velocity, in m/s, will be
A. 8 B. 6.4
C. 5.2 D. 4.8
E. 3.2    

453.  The angle of contact (0) between mercury and glass tube in case of capillary depression is
A. 0? B. 10?
C. 90? D. 128?
E. 157?    

454.  The locus of elevations that water will rise in a series of pitot tube is called
A. the hydraulic grade line B. the pressure head
C. the energy grade line D. the velocity head
E. the head loss    

455.  In a completely turbulent flow the head loss
A. increases with the velocity B. increases with diameter
C. increases with flow rate D. decreases with wall roughness
E. increases with the velocity squared    

456.  Four cars, with a mass of 1500 kg each, are loaded on a 6 m wide, 12 m long small car ferry. How far, in cm, will it sink in the water?
A. 15.2 B. 11.5
C. 10.2 D. 9.6
E. 8.3    

457.  Bluff body
A. Surface is smooth so that friction can be neglected B. Surface coincides with stream lines
C. Surface does not coincide with stream lines D. Surface perpendicular to stream lines

458.  When a fluid is at rest, the shear stress is
A. maximum B. zero
C. between zero and maximum D. unpredictable

459.  The flow of a fluid in a pipe takes place from
A. higher level to lower level B. small end to large end
C. higher pressure to lower pressure D. lower pressure to higher pressure
E. higher energy to lower energy    

460.  A pressure of 500 kPa applied to 2 m3 if liquid results in a volume change of 0.004 m3. The bulk modulus, in Mpa, is
A. 2.5 B. 25
C. 250 D. 2500
E. 2.5 x 106    

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