Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

441.  A hydraulic jump is classified on the basis of initial
A. Weber number B. Mach number
C. Reynolds number D. Froude number

442.  In open channels, under critical flow conditions, the velocity head is equal to
A. the depth of flow B. two-thirds of the depth of flow
C. half the depth of flow D. one-fourth the depth of flow

443.  In an open channel, under critical depth
A. specific energy is zero B. specific energy is minimum
C. specific energy is maximum D. specific energy is least varying

444.  For a given bed, roughness and discharge when the wetted perimeter is minimum, the which of the following is also minimum?
A. velocity B. discharge
C. hydraulic radius D. cross-sectional area.

445.  The maximum velocity through a circular channel takes place when the depth of flow is equal to
A. 0.95 times the diameter B. 0.81 times the diameter
C. 0.50 times the diameter D. 0.37 times the diameter
E. 0.25 times the diameter    

446.  For a supersonic flow, velocity
A. increases with decrease in area of flow B. increases with increase in area of flow
C. does not change with variation in area of flow D. None of the above

447.  The angle of contact (0) between water and glass tube in case of capillary rise is equal to
A. 0? B. 10?
C. 90? D. 128?
E. 157?    

448.  What flow rate in m3/s, is needed using a 20 : 1 scale model of a dam over which 4m3/s of water flows?
A. 0.01 B. 0.0068
C. 0.0057 D. 0.0022
E. 0.0015    

449.  It is proposed to model a submarine moving at 10 m/s by taking a 10 : 1 scale model. What velocity, in m/s, would be needed in the model study?
A. 3.16 B. 10
C. 40 D. 80
E. 100    

450.  The drag force on a 40 : 1 scale model of a ship is measured to be 10 N. What force, in kN, is expected on the ship?
A. 640 B. 520
C. 320 D. 160
E. 80    

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