Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

431.  In case the velocity vector at different points along a stream line remains unchanged then the flow is termed as
A. Stoke's flow B. Uniform flow
C. Rotational flow D. Irrotational flow

432.  The flow between any two stream lines
A. is always zero B. remains the same
C. increases along its path D. decreases along its path

433.  Which two forces are most important in laminar flow between closely parallel plates?
A. Inertial and viscous B. Viscous and pressure
C. Gravity and pressure D. Pressure and inertial

434.  A body with a rounded nose and along tapering tail is usually best suited for
A. Laminar flow B. turbulent subsonic flow
C. sonic flow D. supersonic flow

435.  Priming is required in
A. centrifugal pumps B. gear pumps
C. reciprocating pumps D. all of the above

436.  A draft tube converts
A. pressure energy into kinetic energy B. velocity head into potential head
C. potential head into pressure head D. kinetic energy into mechanical energy

437.  In a mixed flow turbine water enters
A. axially and leaves radially B. radially and leaves axially
C. tangentially and leaves radially D. tangentially and leaves axially

438.  If 1% error is encountered in the measurement of head over crest of a rectangular weir, the error in discharge will be nearly
A. 5% B. 1%
C. 1.50% D. 2%

439.  If a weir is constructed for full width of channel, it is known as
A. suppressed weir B. sharp crested weir
C. submerged weir D. sultro weir

440.  A trapezoidal weir of horizontal crest with side slopes of one horizontal to four vertical is called
A. trapezoidal weir B. cippoletti weir
C. sultro weir D. None of the above

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