Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

421.  The radial component of velocity in a free vortex is
A. zero B. directly proportional to the radial distance
C. inversely proportional to the radial distance D. inversely proportional to the square of the radial distance

422.  The loss of head due to sudden enlargement is attributed to
A. viscosity of fluid B. generation of heat
C. roughness of the pipe D. production and dissipation of turbulent energy

423.  The capillary rise in a narrow two-dimensional slit of width 'W' is
A. helf of that in a capillary tube of diameter 'W' B. two-thirds of that in a capillary tube of diameter 'W'
C. One-third of that in a capillary tube of diameter 'W' D. One-fourth of that in a capillary tube of diameter 'W'

424.  When the rheogram for a fluid at any temperature and pressure is a straight line passing through origin, the fluid is said to be
A. Ideal plastic B. Bingham
C. Newtonian D. Non-Newtonian

425.  When the shear stress acting on a fluid is removed
A. the body retains its new shape and position B. the body regains its original shape and position slowly
C. the body regains its original shape and position immediately D. the body regains its original shape but remains in the new position

426.  An imaginary line drawn through a flow field such that the tangent at any point gives the velocity vector at an instant is known as
A. path line B. streak line
C. steam line D. either of the above

427.  For a floating ship to be in equilibrium the metacentre should be
A. exactly at the centre of gravity B. close to centre of gravity
C. below the centre of gravity D. above the centre of gravity

428.  Submerged weight of a body is
A. greater than its weight in vacuum B. greater than its weight in air
C. equal to its weight in air D. less than its weight in air

429.  The centre of pressure of a fully submerged body is almost always located
A. above the centroid B. at the centroid
C. closer to the centroid D. bolow the centroid

430.  The existence of velocity potential in fluid indicates that
A. the flow is rotational B. the vorticity must be zero
C. the vorticity must be non-zero D. the circulation around any closed curve must have a definite value

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