Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

411.  Viscosity will be the most important property in which of the following case:
A. Travel of a bullet through air B. Water jet issuing from a fire hose
C. Formation of soap bubbles D. Flow of castor oil through a tube

412.  A surge tank is provided in the hydropower schemes to
A. strengthen the penstocks B. reduce water hammer pressures
C. reduce frictional losses in the system D. minimize the cost of hydro-power development

413.  The pressure gradient in laminar motion along the flow dirction is equal to
A. velocity gradient B. the rate of change of velocity normal to the direction of flow
C. the rate of change of shear stress along the direction of flow D. the rate of change of shear stress normal to the direction of flow

414.  The ratio between inertial forces and the square root of pressure forces is known as
A. Euler number B. Weber number
C. Froude number D. Mach number

415.  How many dimensionless parameters can be obtained for a physical phenomenon having 7 varieables involving 3 fundamental dimensions?
A. 10 B. 7
C. 4 D. 3

416.  If the pressure at any point in the liquid approaches the vapour pressure, the liquid starts vapourising and creates pockets or bubbles of dissolved gases and vapours. This phenomenon is known as
A. surface tension B. adhesion
C. vaporisation D. cavitation

417.  The lift on the cylinder caused by the circulation is independent of
A. velocity B. cylinder diameter
C. magnitude of circulation D. None of the above

418.  In a free vortex flow, the tangential velocity is
A. directly proportional to the radial distance B. directly proportional to the square of the radial distance
C. inversely proportional to the radial distance D. inversely proportional to the square of the radial distance

419.  A Rankine body can be developed when a source of constant discharge is placed at the origin and in a
A. uniform flow B. gradually varying flow
C. non-uniform flow D. vortex flow

420.  In a flow field, stagnation point is a point where the
A. velocity is zero B. pressure is zero
C. both pressure and velocity are zero D. gravitational effect is zero

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