Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

401.  The unit hydrograph may be obtained by dividing the ordinates of the direct run-off hydrograph of a storm by
A. direct run-off volume B. storm duration
C. duration of unit hydrograph D. total run off volume

402.  Which of the following statement regarding the buoyant force is incorrect?
A. Buoyant force has no horizontal component B. The magnitude of the buoyant force is equal to the weight of fluid displaced by the body
C. The buoyant force acts through the centre of gravity of the body D. None of the above

403.  A structure in a channel having narrow throat and a raised floor in the bottom which is used to measure the discharge is known as
A. Partial flume B. Standing wave flume
C. Venturi flume D. Tilting flume

404.  A rotameter should always be installed in
A. horizontal position B. vertical position
C. inclined at 30? to vertical D. inclined at 45? to vertical

405.  When the relationship between Reynolds number and the friction factor is represented by a straight line the flow is said to be
A. isentropic flow B. laminar flow
C. turbulent flow D. vortex flow

406.  Which of the following is the result of the formation of a region of low pressure developed on the downstream side due to separation of flow?
A. Cavities B. Holes
C. Wakes D. Vortex street

407.  The velocity of flow through homogeneous porous media under constant head is
A. inversely proportional to the coefficient of permeability B. inversely proportional to the square of the coefficient of permeability
C. directly proportional to the coefficient of permeability D. directly proportional to the square of the coefficient of permeability

408.  In a flow between two stationary parallel plates the shear stress is zero at
A. the base B. the top
C. both at the base and at the top D. at the centre where velocity is maximum

409.  Capallary waves in channels, capillary rise in narrow passages are the instances where
A. elastic forces are prefominant B. viscous forces play a dominant role
C. surface tension cannot be neglected D. surface tension is negligible

410.  A normal shockwave is analogous to
A. open channel flow with Fr < 1.0 B. open channel flow with Fr > 1.0
C. hydraulic jump D. a small amplitude wave in open channels

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