Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

31.  The density of air at 10?C and 1 Mpa abs in SI units is
A. 12.31 B. 1.231
C. 118.4 D. 65
E. None of the above    

32.  The depth of oil having specific gravity 0.6 to produce a pressure of 3.6 kg/cm2 will be
A. 40 m of oil B. 36 m of oil
C. 50 m of oil D. 60 m of oil
E. 120 m of oil    

33.  In a flowing fluid, a particle may possess
A. Inertial energy B. Pressure energy
C. Kinetic energy D. Elevation or gravitation potential energy
E. All the above    

34.  Select the statement which is correct
A. Standard atmospheric pressure is 1 kg/cm2 B. A barometer reads the difference between load and standard atmospheric pressure
C. Standard atmospheric pressure is the mean local atmospheric pressure at sea level D. Local atmospheric pressure is always below standard atmospheric pressure
E. Local atmospheric pressure depends upon the elevation of the locality only    

35.  A barometer is used to measure
A. Very low pressures B. Very high pressures
C. Pressure differeuce between two points D. Pressure of fluid in a pipe line
E. Atmospheric pressure    

36.  Mercury is generally used in barometer because
A. Of higher density due to which the height of barmeter will be small B. It has practically zero vapour pressure
C. It shines and can be easily read D. It does not stick to the tube walls
E. All above    

37.  The vertical component of pressure force on a submerged curved surface is equal to
A. Its horizontal component B. The force on a vertical projection of the curved surface
C. The product of pressure at centroid and surface area D. The weight of liquid vertically above the curved surface
E. None of the above    

38.  1 atm pressure is equivalent to
A. 1.01315 x 105 N/m2 B. 700 mm Hg
C. 1.0133 x 105 kg/m-sec2 D. 1.0133 x 106 kg/cm-sec2
E. Any of the above    

39.  A simple pitot tube is used to measure
A. The pressure in a static fluid B. The velocity in a flowing stream
C. The total pressure D. The dynamic pressure
E. The undistributed fluid pressure    

40.  1 mm Hg pressure is equivalent to
A. 1.333 x 102 N/m2 B. 1.333 x 10-3 bar
C. 1.3158 x 10-3 atm D. 1.332 x 102 kg/m-sec2
E. Any of the above    

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