Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

381.  The minimum diameter necessary to avoid the capillary rise in the manometer is
A. 1 mm B. 3 mm
C. 6 mm D. 15 mm

382.  Notch is a device used for measuring
A. Rate of flow through pipes B. Rate of flow through a small channel
C. Velocity through a pipe D. Velocity through a small channel

383.  When the rheogram is linear but does not pass through origin, fluid is said to be
A. Newtonian B. Non-newtonian
C. Ideal plastic D. Bingham.

384.  The glass is considered as a
A. solid B. crystal
C. frozen liquid D. liquid metal

385.  One poise is equivalent to
A. 1 gm/cm sec B. 9.8 dyne/sec
C. 98 kgf sec/m2 D. 1 kg/m-hr

386.  A hydrograph is is a plot of
A. Rainfall intensity against time B. Discharge against time
C. Cumulative rainfall against time D. Cumulative run off against time

387.  A bulb turbine is a
A. low head turbine B. medium head turbine
C. high head turbine D. high head high rpm turbine

388.  The coefficient of discharge (Cd) of an orifice varies with
A. Reynold number B. Weber number
C. Froude number D. None of the above

389.  Under which of the following conditions, Bernoulli's equation cannot be applied?
A. When the flow is rotational B. When the flow is turbulent
C. When the flow is unsteady D. All of the above

390.  The river flow during floods can be classified as
A. Steady uniform flow B. Unsteady uniform flow
C. steady non-uniform flow D. unsteady non-uniform flow

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