Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

371.  Drag force in not a function of
A. projected area of the body B. velocity of the body
C. mass density of the body D. mass density of the fluid

372.  In which of the following types of flow the losses are maximum?
A. Laminar flow B. Turbulent flow
C. Critical flow D. Transition flow

373.  In case of shooting flow, the Froude number is
A. infinitely high B. zero
C. 1 D. more than one

374.  Best section for open channel flow is
A. semi-circle B. triangular
C. rectangular D. trapezoidal

375.  The best draulic channel cross-section is the one which has
A. maximum wetted perimeter B. minimum wetted perimeter
C. maximum area for a given flow D. least cost

376.  Hydraulic jump is a
A. Steady uniform flow B. Non-steady uniform flow
C. non-steady non-uniform flow D. Steady non-uniform flow

377.  Surge wave is an example of
A. steady uniform flow B. steady non-uniform flow
C. unsteady uniform flow D. unsteady non-uniform flow

378.  A froude number of 2 indicates
A. a weak jump B. a medium jump
C. a strong jump D. a very strong jump

379.  Which fluid is the heaviest?
A. Air B. Castor oil
C. Glycerine D. Carbon tetrachloride

380.  In a jet pump
A. energy of high pressure fluid is converted into low pressure fluid B. energy of high velocity stream is converted into pressure energy
C. kinetic energy of fluid is regained as potential energy D. potential energy of fluid is converted into rotational energy

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