Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

361.  A vessel containing water moves downward with a constant acceleratin equal to 'q' then
A. the liquid mass will be in turbulence B. the liquid mass will be under a pressure below the atmospheric pressure
C. the liquid mass will be under a pressure double the atmospheric pressure D. the pressure throughout the liquid mass will be atmospheric

362.  If the forces due to inertia, gravity and frictional resistance are insignificant, the design of a channel may be made by comparing
A. Weber number B. Reynolds number
C. Froude's number D. Prandt number

363.  A hydraulic jump can occur under all of the following conditions EXCEPT
A. on the upstream side of the sluices B. at the foot of the spillways
C. where the gradient suddenly chauges from a steep slope to a flat slope D. when water moving in shooting flow impacts with water having a larger depth with streaming flow

364.  The distance from pipe boundary, at which the point velocity is equal to average velocity in case of turbulent flow (when R is the radius of the pipe), is
A. 0.111 R B. 0.223 R
C. 0.446 R D. 0.892 R

365.  The miaimum thickness of boundary layer in a pipe of radius R is
A. 0.1 R B. 0.22 R
C. 0.5 R D. R

366.  The wake
A. is a region of high pressure intensity B. always occurs before a separation point
C. always occurs after a separation point D. always occurs before and after separation point.

367.  The shear stress distribution for a fluid flowing in between the parallel plates, both at rest, is
A. constant over the cross-section B. maximum at the mid-plane and varies linearly wth distance from mid-plane
C. zero at the mid-point and varies linearly with distance from mid-plane D. zero at the plates and varies exponentially to mid-point

368.  The ratio of average velocity to mzximum velocity for steady laminar flow in circular pipes is
A. 1 B. 2
D. ?

369.  Identify the case in which the friction drag is generally larger than pressure drag?
A. Flow past a sphere B. Flow past a cylinder
C. Flow past an aerofoil D. Flow past a thin sheet

370.  Stanton diagram is a plot of
A. friction factor against Reynolds number B. friction factor against log of Reynolds number
C. log of friction factor against Reynolds number D. log of friction factor against log of Reynolds number

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