Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

351.  The angle of taper on a draft tube is
A. Less than 7 B. Around 10?
C. Around 15? D. More than 15?
E. More than 20?    

352.  When the dynamic viscosity of a fluid is 0.6 poise and specific gravity is 0.6, the kinematic viscosity of that fluid will be
A. 0.36 poise B. 0.6 poise
C. 1 poise D. None of the above

353.  When a liquid rotates at a angular velocity above a vertical axis as a rigid body, the pressure intensity varies
A. inversely with radial distance B. inversely with the square of radial distance
C. directly with radial distance D. Directly with square of the radial distance

354.  1 Kilo-Pascal is the same as
A. 1000 n/mm2 B. 1000 N/cm
C. 1000 N/cm2 D. 1000 N/m2

355.  Surface tension is due to
A. cohesion only B. adhesion only
C. cohesion and adhesion only D. neither cohesion nor adhesion

356.  The motion of air mass in a tornado is
A. forced vertex at the centre and free vortex outside B. forced cortex at the centre as well as outside
C. free vortex at the centre and forced vortex outside D. free vortex at the centre as well as outside

357.  The size of a venturimeter is specified by
A. fluid pressure B. Discharge channel
C. pipe diameter D. pipe diameter and throat diameter

358.  Pascal-second is the unit of
A. pressure B. surface
C. kinematic viscosity D. dynamic viscosity

359.  As the temperature increases, the viscosity of a gas
A. increases, increases B. decreases, decreases
C. increases, decreases D. decreases, increases

360.  The centre of buoyancy always coincides with
A. centre of gravity of the body B. centroid of the volume displaced
C. metacentre D. None of the above

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