Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

301.  Layered or bedded rocks having planes of reltively easy separation are called
A. Swelling rocks B. Seamy rocks
C. Squeezing rocks D. Stratified rocks
E. Schistos rocks    

302.  Chemically inact relatively unstable blocks, large or small with three or more sets of joints and seams are known as
A. Schistos rocks B. Crushed rocks
C. Chemical rocks D. Moderately jointed rocks
E. Block or seamy rocks    

303.  Micaceous rocks with closely spaced cleavage planes along which easy separation can be affected, are known as
A. Intact rocks B. Schistos rocks
C. Stratified rocks D. Popping rocks
E. Sedimentary rocks    

304.  Which conduit entrance is expected to have least loss coeffieient?
A. Inward projecting entrances B. Square bell mouth entrances
C. Circular bell mouth entrances D. Slightly rounded entrance
E. Square cornered entrance    

305.  Which conduit entrance is expected to have highest loss coefficient?
A. Inward projecting entrances B. Fully rounded entrance having x/D>0.15
C. Gate in thin wall-unsuppressed contraction D. Gate in thin wall-bottom and side suppressed
E. Gate in thin wall-corners rounded    

306.  Permissible velocity of water flowing through concrete tunnel is usually
A. 4 - 5 m/s B. 10 - 12 m/s
C. 12 - 12 m/s D. 20 m/s
E. 25 m/s    

307.  Presence of air in a pressure tunnel may result in
A. Increased discharge B. Increased head loss
C. Water hammer D. Bulking of flow
E. Any or all of the above    

308.  Formation of air pockets in pressure tunnel may be avoided by
A. Avoiding partial gate opening B. Avoiding traps or pockets along the crown
C. Avoiding vortices formation D. Avoiding small intakes
E. Any of the above    

309.  Which rock is expected to have highest strength grade?
A. Sand stone rock B. Limestone rock
C. Marble rocks D. Solid quartzite rock
E. Granite rock    

310.  The advantages of burried penstocks is
A. Less accessible in inspection B. Tendency to slide along steep slopes
C. Location difficult D. No expansion joints needed
E. Need for special coating against the corrosive action of salts present in soil    

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