Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

291.  In a Buttress dam, when the height of dam is 10 m to 25 m, the spacing of buttress is usually restricted to
A. 1 m B. 1.5 m
C. 4.5 to 6 m D. 10 to 15 m
E. 20 to 25 m.    

292.  In Buttress dam the column or slenderness ratio is usually maintained between
A. 2 to 5 B. 5 to 7
C. 7 to 10 D. 12 to 15
E. 20 to 25    

293.  The arch dam is not suitable for
A. Narrow sites B. Wider sites
C. Small discharge D. Low heads
E. Small discharge and low heads    

294.  In case of Constant Angle Arch Dam, the most favourable central angle is
A. 170? B. 165?
C. 133? D. 90?
E. 73?    

295.  The magnitude of earthquake pressure on a dam varies as a function of
A. Frequency of vibration B. Amplitude
C. Frequency of vibration and amplitude D. Amplitude and intensity
E. Richard's scale number    

296.  The simplest type of controls for reservoir outlets is provided by
A. Slide gates B. Height pressure gates
C. Radial gates D. Jet flow gates
E. Cylindrical gates    

297.  In order to keep out debris and other materials carried by water which are likely to damage turbine, provision is made by
A. Trash racks B. Radial gates
C. Trunions D. Jet flow gates
E. Ensign valve    

298.  Rocks which contain neither joints nor hair cracks, are known as
A. Hard rocks B. Popping rocks
C. Squeezing rocks D. Stratified rocks
E. Schistos rocks    

299.  Rocks with excessive internal stresses which may cause spalling are known as
A. Stratified rocks B. Popping rocks
C. Crushed rocks D. Swelling rocks
E. Schistos rocks    

300.  Rocks that undergo notable expansion without flow due to preence of clay minerals, are known as
A. Squeezing rocks B. Moderately jointed rocks
C. Seamy rocks D. Schistos rocks
E. Swelling rocks    

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