Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

21.  When a venturimeter is used in an inclined position, it will show
A. Sale reading B. More reading
C. Less reading D. Depends on vescosity of fluid
E. None of the above    

22.  The critical depth on a channel is given by
A. h = v2/g B. h = v2/2g
C. h = v/2g D. h = 2v/g
E. h = v/g    

23.  The increase of temperature
A. Increases the viscosity of a fluid B. Decreases the viscoisty of a fluid
C. Decreases the viscosity of a gas D. Increases the viscosity of a gas
E. None of the above    

24.  The bulk modulus of elasticity
A. Is independent of temperature B. Increases with the pressure
C. Is independent of pressure and viscosity D. Is larger when the fluid is more compressible
E. None of the above    

25.  A liquid compressed in a cylinder has a volume of 1 litre at 1 MN/m2 and a volume of 995 cu-cm at 2 MN / m2. The bulk modulus of elasticity would be
A. 200 Mpa B. Mpa
C. 5 Mpa D. 10 Mpa
E. 20 Mpa    

26.  One poise is equivalent to
A. 360 kg/m-hr B. 1 dyne sec/cm2
C. 1/98.1 kgf sec/m2 D. 10-1 kg/m-sec
E. Any of the above    

27.  An object having 20 kg mass weighs 19.60 kg on a spring type balance. The value of 'g' in m/sec2 for the place is
A. 1000 B. 9.8
C. 9.9 D. 10.2
E. 10.1    

28.  If a barometer carries wter instead of mercury, the height of column for a pressure equivalent to 75 cm of mercury will be
A. 1020 cm B. 1000 cm
C. 1034 cm D. 1040 cm
E. 1050 cm    

29.  The length of mercury column at a place at an altitude will vary with respect to that at ground in a
A. Linear relation B. Hyperbolic relation
C. Parabolic relation D. Will remain constant
E. First slowly and then steeply    

30.  Mercury is suitable for manometers because
A. It has high density B. It can be easily seen in tube
C. It does not stick to tube walls D. It moves easily
E. It is generally not used in manometers    

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