Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

271.  The part of a reservoir water which can be utilized for pwer production or other purposes, is known as
A. Power storage B. Main storage
C. Useful storage D. Dead storage
E. Live storage    

272.  The portion of the power canal which extends from the power house to the recepient water course, is known as
A. Tail race B. Discharge channel
C. Exhaust D. Tail surge channel
E. None of the above    

273.  The force acting on a gravity dam which causes stability is
A. Reservoir water pressure B. Wind pressure
C. Earth and silt pressure D. Uplift
E. Weight of the dam    

274.  Abnormal load on a earth dam is
A. Water pressure corresponding to full reservoir level B. Weight of dam and structure above it
C. Uplift D. Wave pressure

275.  A hydro-electric plant is usually temed as high head plant when the head is
A. more than 5 m B. more than 15 m
C. more than 25 m D. more than 35 m
E. more than 45 m    

276.  The turbine that cannot be installed in high head plant is
A. Pelton wheel, horizontal B. Pelton wheel, vertical
C. Francis turbine, horizontal D. Francis turbine, vertical
E. Kaplan turbine    

277.  World's largest capacity hydro-electric generating plant is located in
A. U.S.A. B. U.S.S.R.
C. Germany D. France
E. India    

278.  The generating capacity of world's largest capacity hydroelectric plant is of the order of
A. 1000 MW B. 2000 MW
C. 3000 MW D. 4000 MW
E. 5000 MW    

279.  Which one of the following method is used to check the stability of gravity dams
A. Pigeaud's method B. Finite element method
C. Slab analogy method D. Lattice analogy method
E. All of the above    

280.  For safety against overturning in a gravity dam, the resultant of all the forces acting on a dam must pass
A. Outside the base B. Just at extreme edge of the base
C. Within 10% of the extreme edge D. Middle third of the base
E. First third of the base    

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