Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

261.  Hydraulic jump is used for
A. Increasing the flow rate B. Reducing the flow rate
C. Reducing the velocity of flow D. Reducing the energy of flow
E. Reducing turbulence    

262.  Hydraulic jump occurs when
A. Flow is sub-critical B. Flow is supercritical
C. Adequate downstream depth is available D. Flow is sub-critical and adequate down streamdepth is available
E. Flow is supercritical and adequate downstream depth is available    

263.  If the specific speed of a pump is calculated as 5000, the type of pump that should be selected is
A. Slow speed radial flow B. Medium speed radial flow
C. High speed radial flow D. Mixed flow or screw pump
E. Axial flow or propeller pump    

264.  The unit of specific speed is
A. R.P.M. B. Metres/sec
C. Dimensionless D. Any of the above
E. None of the above    

265.  Specific speed (metric) = k x specific (FPS) where k has the value of
A. 1 B. 1.75
C. 2.37 D. 0.67
E. 0.41    

266.  While calculating the specific speed of double suction pump, the discharge to be considered is
A. Double of the actual discharge B. Square of the actual discharge
C. Actual discharge D. Half of actual discharge
E. Square root of actual discharge    

267.  A concrete masonry block on a hill side for supporting and fixing the penstock is known as
A. Anchor block B. Support block
C. Concrete block D. Base block
E. Any of the above    

268.  A small-size nozzle is built into a Pelton turbine for directing its water jet towards the back of the bucket, so that machine can be stopped quickly, is known as
A. Reverse nozzle B. Compensating nozzle
C. Brake nozzle D. Any of the above
E. None of the above    

269.  The lowest portion of storage basin from where the water is not drawn usually, is
A. Bottom storage B. Sub-soil storage
C. Spring reserve D. Dead storage
E. Reserve storage    

270.  The portion of the power canal that extends from the intake works to the power house, is known as
A. Lead race B. Main storage
C. Diversion canal D. Head race
E. Tail race    

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