Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

241.  A closed cubical box 0.8 m on each side is half filled with water and the other half being filled with oil of specific gravity 0.75. Now if the box is accelerated upwards at the rate of 4.905 m/sec2 the pressure difference in kg/m2 between the top and bottom layers would be
A. 490.5 B. 545.5
C. 981 D. 1050
E. 1800    

242.  If the box in above problem is accelerated in a horizontal direction parallel to a pair of sides at the rate of 1 m/sec2, maximum pressure on the top of the box in metres of water would be
A. 0.225 B. 0.3
C. 0.49 D. 0.563
E. 0.6    

243.  A cylinder is kept on a horizontal boundary past which an ideal fluid flows perpendicular to cylinder axis. It will then experience
A. No lift force B. Some lift force
C. Lift force in vertically downward direction D. Lift force in vertically upward direction
E. Lift force depends on velocity of flow and mass of cylinder and its contents    

244.  In parallel pipe problems
A. The pressure gradient remains the same through all the pipes B. The hydraulic gradient remains the same through all the pipes
C. The head loss is the same through each pipe D. The head losses through each pipe are added to obtain the total head loss
E. None of the above    

245.  The value of mannings roughness coefficient n, in Manning's formula for flow of fluids through pipes, is expected to be highest in case of
A. Brass pipe B. Glass pipe
C. Asbestos cement pipe D. Corrugated iron pipe
E. Vitrified sewer pipe    

246.  Tranqil flow must always occur
A. At normal depth B. Above normal depth
C. Below normal depth D. Below critical depth
E. Above critical depth    

247.  The value of n in Manning's formula for flow through channel is expected to be least in case of
A. Glass surfaces B. Corrugated metals surface
C. Unfinished cement surface D. Cement concrete finish
E. Vitrified clay.    

248.  In a channel the flow at critical depth occurs when
A. Normal depth and critical depth coincide for a channel B. Specific energy is a maximum for a given discharge
C. Hydraulic gradient and slope coincide D. Any changes in depth require more specific energy

249.  Geometric similarity between model and prototype means
A. The similarity of discharge B. The similarity of linear dimensions
C. The similarity of motion D. The similarity of forces

250.  Kinematic similarity between model and prototype means
A. The similarity of forces B. The similarity of shape
C. The similarity of motion D. The similarity of discharge

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