Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

231.  A type of flow in which the fluid particles while moving in the direction of flow rotate about their mass centre, is known as
A. Steady flow B. Uniform flow
C. Laminar flow D. Turbulent flow
E. Rotational flow    

232.  When a fluid flows through a tapering pipe at a constantly increasing rate, the flow is said to
A. Unsteady flow B. Unsteady uniform flow
C. Unsteady non-uniform flow D. Turbulent flow
E. Irrotational flow    

233.  An imaginary curve drawn through a flowing fluid in such a way that the tangent to it at any point gives the direction of the velocity of flow at that point, is known as
A. Flow-contour B. Line of flow
C. Flow line D. Path line
E. Streak line    

234.  The line traced by a single fluid particle as it moves over a period of time is known as
A. Line of force B. Filament line
C. Flow line D. Path line
E. Streak line    

235.  A practical example of steady non-uniform flow is given as the
A. Motion of a river around the pillars of a bridge B. Flow through venturimeter
C. Flow through delivery pipe of a reciprocating pump D. Steadily decreasing flow through a reducing section
E. Constant discharge through straight tapering draft tube turbine    

236.  The oscillatory motion of a ship or a boat about its longitudinal axis is designated as
A. Vibration B. Simple harmonic motion
C. Rolling D. Pitching
E. Gyro-mtion    

237.  The oscillatory motion of a ship or a boat about its transverse axis is termed as
A. Transverse motion B. Transverse harmonic motion
C. Rolling D. Pitching
E. Gyro-motion    

238.  The metacentric height of ocean going vessels is usually of the order of
A. 30 cm to 1.2 m B. 1.8 m to 2.0 m
C. 3 m to 5 m D. 5 m to 7 m
E. 8 m to 10 m    

239.  A small plastic boat loaded with pieces of steel rods is floating in a bath tub. It the cargo is dumped into the water allowing the boat to float empty, the water level in the tub will
A. Rise B. Fall
C. Not change D. Rise and then fall
E. Fall and then rise    

240.  Buoyant force is
A. Resultant of upthrust and gravity forces acting on the body B. Resultant force on the body due to the fluid surrounding it
C. Resultant of static weight of body and dynamic thrust of fluid D. Equal to the volume of liquid displaced by the body
E. The resultant force acting on the body    

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