Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

201.  In case of channels, shooting flow does not occur
A. In a channel with low gradient B. In a horizontal channel
C. In a steep channel D. In a trapezoidal channel
E. Directly after a hydraulic jump    

202.  A stream line
A. Is the line of equal velocity in a flow B. Is the line along which the rate of pressure drop is uniform
C. Is the line along the geometrical centre of the flow D. Occurs in all types of flow
E. Is fixed in space in steady flow    

203.  In laminar flow
A. Experimentation is required for the sirmplest flow cases B. Newton's law of viscosity applies
C. The fluid particles move in irregular and haphazard paths D. The viscosity is unimportant

204.  A hydraulic ram is a device
A. To generate high pressures B. To temporarily store the energy of water
C. To increase the intensity of pressure D. To lift small quantity of water to a greater height by means of large quantity of water falling through small height
E. None of the above    

205.  The resultant upward pressure of a fluid on a floating body is equal to the wirght of the fluid displaced by the body. This is known as
A. Pascals law B. Reynolds principle
C. Archimedes principle D. Schmidt's hypothesis
E. Bernoulli's theorem    

206.  The hydraulic radius is given by
A. Wetted perimeter divided by area B. Area divided by square of wetted perimeter
C. Square root of area D. Area divided by wetted perimeter
E. None of these answers    

207.  A hydraulic intensifier is a device
A. To lift small quantities of water through large head by means of large quantity of water falling through small height B. To generate high pressure
C. To increase the intensity of pressure of water by means of the energy of a large quantity of water at low pressure D. To temporarily store the energy of water
E. None of the above    

208.  In reaction turbine the draft tube is used
A. To transport water to downstream without eddies B. To reconvert kinetic energy to flow energy by a gradual expansion of the flow cross-section
C. To increase the effective head D. To prevent air from entering
E. To run the turbine full    

209.  Mach number is significant in
A. High speed flow of water B. Flow of highly viscous fluids
C. Flow of metallic fluids D. Flow in air at speeds more than that of sound
E. Flow in space above the atmosphere of air    

210.  In an open channel the discharge corresponding to critical depth is
A. Minimum B. Maximum
C. Zero D. Average
E. None of the above    

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