Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

191.  If the specific speed of a turbine is 800 the turbine should be
A. Francis B. Kaplan
C. Girard D. Pelton wheel
E. Fourneyron    

192.  It is desired to predict the performance of a large centrifugal pump from that of a scale model one fourth the diameter. The model absorbs 20 HP when pumping under test head of 20 m at its best speed of 400 r.p.m. The large pump is required to pump against 60 m head. The following will be the speed of the pump
A. 100 RPM B. 153 RPM
C. 167 RPM D. 173 RPM
E. 208 RPM    

193.  In above problem, what will be the horse power required to drive the pump?
A. 1000 B. 1450
C. 1570 D. 1670
E. 1900    

194.  In above problem what will be the ratio of discharge?
A. 2.77 B. 27.7
C. 277 D. 83.5
E. 100    

195.  The specific speed for axial flow turbine varies from
A. 0 - 45 B. 10 - 100
C. 80 - 200 D. 200 - 300
E. None of the above    

196.  An impulse turbine
A. Always operates submerged B. Makes use of a draft tube
C. Is most suited for low head installations D. Converts pressure head into velocity head throughout the vanes
E. Operates by initial complete conversion to kinctic energy    

197.  Two units are homologous when they are geometrically similar and have
A. Similar stream lines B. Same Reynolds number
C. Same efficiency D. Same Froud's number
E. None of these answers    

198.  The purpose of surge tank in a pipe line is to
A. Smoothen the flow of water B. Minimise friction losses in pipe
C. Prevent occurrence of hydraulic jump D. To relieve the pressure due to water hammer
E. To maintain the flow of water under emergency conditions    

199.  A syphon is used to
A. To connect two reservoirs B. To disconnect water from one reservoir to another
C. To fill water from a reservoir at lower level to another reservoir with the help of a pump D. To connect two water reservoirs at different levels intervened by a mountain
E. To distribute water from a reservoir at higher level to reservoirs at lower levels    

200.  An air vessel is provided at the summit in a syphone to
A. Regulate the flow B. Increase discharge
C. Increase velocity D. Avoid an interruption in the flow
E. Maintain pressure difference    

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