Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

181.  A Founeyron turbine is
A. Outward flow reaction turbine B. Inward flow reaction turbine
C. Outward flow impulse turbine D. Inward flow impulse turbine
E. None of the above    

182.  Which type of pump is different from others?
A. Centrifugal pump B. Lobe pump
C. Gear pump D. Sliding vane pump
E. Fuel pump for diesel engine    

183.  Which type of turbine is different from others?
A. Pelton wheel B. Banki turbine
C. Girard turbine D. Jonval turbine
E. Kaplan turbine    

184.  If the absolute pressure at a point in a hydraulic system is less than atmospheric pressure, the point is said to possess
A. Positive head B. Negative head
C. Absolute positive head D. Gross positive head
E. Manometric head    

185.  In a turbine installation gross head is defined as
A. The difference of level between the head race and the tail race B. The difference of level between reservoir and downstream
C. The difference of head between axis of turbine to discharge stream level D. The head actually used in developing power
E. None of the above    

186.  Relative velocity is
A. The difference between two velocities B. The difference between the higher velocity and average velocity
C. Average velocity D. Sum of two velocities
E. Vector difference of two velocities    

187.  Which is higher head
A. 33 inch Hg B. 31.6 ft water
C. 1.013 kg/cm2 D. 75.6 cm of Hg
E. 14.1 psi    

188.  If the specific speed of a turbine is 6 then the turbine should be
A. Francis B. Kaplan
C. Pelton wheel D. Thomson
E. Fourneyron    

189.  In working out the reltion for the specific speed, the assumption is made that
A. All pumps are similr B. All pumps of a given type are similar
C. All pumps of a given type are geometrically similar D. All pumps are hydraulically similar
E. All pumps have similar ratios in all dimensions    

190.  Specific speed for reaction turbine ranges from
A. 3 - 710 B. 10 - 110
C. 125 - 180 D. 200 - 300
E. More than 300    

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