Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

161.  In turbulent flow
A. The fluid particles move in an orderly manner B. Momentum transfer is on a molecular scale only
C. Shear stresses are generally larger than in similar laminar flow D. Cohesion is more effective than momentum transfer in causing shear stress
E. One lamina of fluid flides smoothly over another    

162.  Multistage centrifugal pumps are used
A. To produce high heads B. To give high discharge
C. A and B above together D. To pump viscous liquids
E. None of the above    

163.  Specific speed of a impulse turbine ranges from
A. 0 - 4.5 B. 100 - 140
C. 100 - 200 D. 200 - 300
E. 300 - 800    

164.  For pumping highly viscous fluid viscous, the type of pump enerally used is
A. Centrifugal B. Multistage centrifugal
C. Sliding vane type D. Gear vane type
E. Screw pump    

165.  The boundary condition for steady flow of an ideal fluid is that the
A. Velocity is zero at the boundary B. Velocity component normal to the boundary is zero
C. Velocity component tangent to the boundary is zero D. Boundary surface must be stationary
E. Continuity equation must be satisfied    

166.  Which type of pump is different from others in the same group?
A. Gear pump B. Screw pump
C. Lobe pump D. Cam and piston pump
E. Plunger pump    

167.  A turbine model test with 260 mm diameter showed an efficiency of 90 percent. The efficiency that can be expected from a 1.2 m diameter impeller is
A. 90 percent B. 81 percent
C. 91 percent D. 93.18 percent
E. None of the above    

168.  Identify the statement which is not one of the assumptions made for the derivation of Bernoulli's theorem
A. The flow is steady and continuous B. The flow is two dimensional
C. Fluid is ideal D. Fluid is incompressible
E. All the above    

169.  A Francis turbine is
A. Inward flow reaction turbine B. Inward flow impulse turbine
C. Outward flow reaction turbine D. Outward flow impulse turbine
E. None of the above    

170.  Fluid statics deals with
A. Viscous and pressure forces B. Viscous and gravity forces
C. Gravity and pressure forces D. Surface tension and gravity forces

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