Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

151.  In a centrifugal pump installation while starting, the position of delivery valve is
A. Fully open B. Fully closed
C. Half open D. More than half open
E. Less than half open    

152.  A body floats in stable equilibrium
A. When the C.G. of body is below the centre of buoyancy B. When the C.G. of body is above the surface of water
C. When the metacentric height is zero D. When the metacentre is above C.G.
E. When the metacentre is below C.G.    

153.  The centre of buoyancy is
A. The point of intersection of the buoyant force and the centre line of the body B. Centre of gravity of the body
C. Centroid of displaced volume of fluid D. Mid-point between C.G. and metacentre

154.  The metacentre is
A. Centroid of the displaced volume of fluid B. Centre of pressure of the displaced volume of fluid
C. Point of intersection of buoyant force and gravitational force D. Point of intersection of buoyant force and centre line of body
E. Mid-point between C.G. and centre of buoyancy of a body    

155.  The gentre of gravity of the volume of liquid displaced by an immersed body is called
A. Wet C.G. B. Metacentre
C. Centre of pressure D. Wet centre
E. Centre of buoyancy    

156.  Air vessels in a reciprocating pump are fitted to
A. Reduce the acceleration head B. Reduce suction head
C. Increase delivery head D. Smoothen delivery head
E. Increase the opening speed of pump    

157.  Air vessels in a reciprocating pump is
A. Fitted in the suction line B. Fitted in the delivery line
C. A cast iron chamber having an opening at the base D. A, B and C above together
E. None of the above    

158.  1 m of water column is equivalent to
A. 0.1 kN/m2 B. 1.0 kN/m2
C. 10 kN/m2 D. 100 kN/m2
E. 1000 kN/m2    

159.  If the specific speed of a pump is in the range 170 to 400, the type of pump would be
A. Axial flow B. Radial flow
C. Mixed flow D. Turbine type
E. None of the above    

160.  Type of impeller used in mud pumps is
A. Shrouded B. One side shrouded
C. Open D. Double suction
E. Any of the above    

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