Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

131.  The most efficient cross-section for a channel is
A. Semi-circular B. Square
C. Rectangular D. Triangular
E. Half hexagon in the form of a trapezoid    

132.  The most economical section of a triangular channel is
A. A right angled triangle B. An equilateral triangle
C. An isosceles triangle with vertex angle of 45? D. An isosceles triangles with vertex angle of 60?
E. An isosceles triangle with vertex angle of 90?    

133.  The upper surface of the weir over which water flows is known as
A. Nappe B. Crest
C. Sill D. Vein
E. Contracta    

134.  Manning's formula is used to determine
A. Friction hed loss in pipes running full B. Friction head loss in pipes running partially full
C. Friction head loss in open channels D. Friction head loss in irregular sections
E. Discharge through weirs and notches    

135.  A critical depthmeter is used to measure
A. Effective head of fluid flowing in a pipe B. Depth of oceans and rivers
C. Rise in head during water hammer D. Rise in head during hydraulic jump
E. Discharge in an open channel    

136.  The width of a weir with end contractions is
A. Equal to the width of the channel B. Less than the width of the channel
C. Half the width of the channel D. One fourth the width of the channel
E. None of the above    

137.  The horizontal to vertical side slope in case of Cpppoletti weir is
A. I : I B. 1 : ?2
C. I : 2 D. 4 : I
E. I : 4    

138.  The losses in an open channel vary
A. As the velocity B. As the square of velocity
C. As the cube of velocity D. Inversely with a gradient
E. Inversely as the hydraulic radius    

139.  A critical depthmeter is always
A. Associated with surge B. Associated with water hammer
C. Associated with hydraulic jump D. Associated with steep gradient
E. Associated with tranquil flow    

140.  A stepped notch is
A. A notch of varying shapes along the line of flow B. Semi-elliptical in section
C. A combination of triangular and a circular section D. A combination of rectangular notches of different sizes
E. A combination of triangular notches of different sizes    

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