Engineering :: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

121.  If a water tank partially filled with water is being carried on a truck with a constant horizontal acceleration, the level of liquid will
A. Rise on the front side of the tank B. Fall on the front side of the tank
C. Rise on the back side of the tank and fall on front D. Fall on the back side of the tank and rise on front
E. Front side fluctuate considerably    

122.  Select the pressures that are equivalent
A. 10 psi, 23.1 ft H2O, 4.91 in. Hg B. 10 psi, 4.33 ft H2O, 20.3 in. Hg
C. 10 psi, 20.3 ft H2O, 23.1 in. Hg D. 4.3 psi, 10 ft H2O, 20.3 in. Hg
E. 4.33 psi, 10 ft H2O, 8.83 in. Hg    

123.  A current meter is used for the measurement of
A. Pressure B. Velocity
C. Viscosity D. Electrical charge on fluids
E. Electrical conductivity    

124.  An orifice is said to be a large orifice when
A. The cross-section of orifie is not less than 10% of the cross-section of tank B. An orifice can discharge fluid within 10 minutes
C. The head over the orifice is smaller than its vertical dimensions

125.  A mouthpiece cannot be used under very large head because
A. The variation in discharge is large B. The flow through mouthpiece is erratic
C. Vortex is created at the vena contracta D. Cavitation occurs at the vena contracta
E. Of practical difficulties in contraction    

126.  A short tube mouthpiece will not run full at its outlet if the head under which the orifice work is
A. Less than 5 m of water B. More than 12.5 m of water
C. Less than 10 m of water D. Between 5 and 10 m of water
E. Less than 3 m of water    

127.  Select the correct statement regarding frictionless flow
A. In diverging conduits the velocity always decreases B. The velocity is always sonic at the throat of a converging diverging tube
C. On supersonic flow the area decreases for increasing velocity D. Sonic velocity cannot be exceeded at the throat of a converging diverging tube

128.  A hot wire anemometer is used for the measurement of
A. Pressure of gases B. Velocity of gases
C. Viscosity of gases D. Viscosity of liquids
E. Density of liquids    

129.  A most economical channel section is one which for a given cross-section area
A. Has maximum velocity of fluid B. Has maximum discharge
C. Has maximum depth of fluid flowing D. Has maximum wetted perimeter
E. Has maximum hydraulic radius    

130.  Capillary action is due to the
A. Viscosity of liquid B. Cohesion of liquid particles
C. Surface tension D. Adhesion of liquid particles on the surface
E. None of the above    

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