Engineering :: Engineering Materials

411.  Which of the following is a composite material?
A. Y-alloy B. High speed steel
C. Tungsten carbide D. Fibre reinforced plastic

412.  Which of the following is the characteristic of ceramic materials?
A. Malleability and ductility B. Hardness and brittleness
C. Elasticity and plasticity D. Porosity and flexibility

413.  Materials in order of reducing electrical conductivity are
A. Aluminium, Silver, Gold, Copper B. Gold, Silver, Copper, Aluminium
C. Copper, Silver, Gold,Aluminium D. Silver, Copper, Gold, Aluminium

414.  Which of the following timber is used for sports goods?
A. Mulberry B. Mahogany
C. Sal D. Deodar

415.  The moisture content in a well seasoned timber is
A. 4 to 6 percent B. 6 to 8 percent
C. 10 to 15 percent D. 20 to 25 percent

416.  The strength of timber is
A. less along the grains more across the grains B. more along the grains less across the grains
C. same in all directions D. maximum in a direction at 45? to the longitudinal axis

417.  Which of the following material can be used for the filaments in incandescent lamps?
A. Carbon B. Tungsten
C. Tantalum D. Any of the above

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