Engineering :: Engineering Materials

401.  Application of tin is in
A. bulb filaments B. low current fuses
C. transducers D. hair springs

402.  By alloying copper with manganese which of the following increases?
A. Specific gravity B. Tensile strength
C. Melting point D. Electrical conductivity

403.  Which of the following increases when copper is hard drawn into wires?
A. Diameter B. Cross-sectional area
C. Resistivity D. Specific gravity

404.  The number of semi-conductors in periodic table is
A. 3 B. 5
C. 7 D. 13

405.  Which of the following properties has lower value for copper as compared to aluminium?
A. Specific gravity B. Melting point
C. Electrical resistivity D. All of the above

406.  In ferromagnetic materials
A. the atmic magnetic moments are anti-parallel and unequal B. the atomic magnetic moments are parallel
C. the constituent is iron only D. one of the constituent is iron

407.  The intensity of magnetisation M of a ferromagnetic solid
A. is independent of temperature B. increases with increasing temperature
C. decreases with increasing temperature D. depends primarily on method of heating

408.  Which of the following is not a rare and precious metal?
A. Platinum B. Palladium
C. Tantalum D. Lithium

409.  Ferri-magnetic materials generally find application as
A. conductors B. insulators
C. resistors D. semi-conductors

410.  A piezo electric is
A. a material which become polarised when stressed B. a material which changes dimension due to applied field
C. a material that never gets polarised D. a material in which magnetising force reduces when current flowing is increased

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