Engineering :: Engineering Materials

371.  All of the following are point defects EXCEPT:
A. vacancies B. dislocations
C. interstitials D. isolated impurities

372.  Ligancy is
A. the number of atoms (or ions) surrounding and touching a central atom B. a covalent bond between two atoms
C. the angle betweent he two closest directional bond of an atom D. None of the above

373.  The statement that, at equilibrium, the number of phases plus the degrees of freedom must equal the number of components plus two is known as
A. Gibbs phase rule B. Lever rule
C. Fick's rule D. Heisenberg rule

374.  A ductile fracture is usually not preceded by
A. plastic flow B. deformation
C. noise D. large amounts of non-recoverable energy absorption

375.  Gel is
A. a polymer having side groups distributed randomly along a vinyl polymer chain B. a polymer having secondary chains branching from the main molecular chains
C. A solid frme work of colloidal particles linked together and containing a fluid in its interstices D. a polymer in which the repeating unit of each moleule has viny group

376.  A composite bar of steel and copper is heated. The copper bar will be under
A. compression B. tension
C. torsion D. shear

377.  In Charpy impact test, the specimen is held as a
A. cantilever B. simply supported beam
C. fixed beam D. hinged beam

378.  Which type of thermostat is generally used in applicances with heating elements?
A. Bimetallic B. Magnetic
C. Clad metal D. Ferromagenetic

379.  Bakelite is
A. a semi-conductor B. uncombustible
C. a low resistance conducted D. a polarised insulator

380.  The behaviour of visco-elastic materials is
A. time dependent B. temperature dependent
C. orientation dependent D. age-dependent

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