Engineering :: Engineering Materials

331.  Polymers
A. Can be vaporised as well as recycled B. Can neither be vaporised nor recycled
C. Can be vaporised but cannot be recycled D. Can be recycled but cannot be vaporised

332.  Thermosetting polymers are
A. Injection moulded B. Extruded
C. Cast moulded D. None of the above

333.  Polysterene is
A. An ester B. An alcohol
C. A hydrocarbon D. An alkyl halide

334.  Which of the following polymer is crystalline?
A. Polyethylene B. Polymethyl metacrylate
C. Polyvinyl chloride D. Polyvinylidene chloride

335.  Neoprene is
A. Rubber B. Plastic
C. Rubber like plastic D. None of the above

336.  Phenol and formaldehyde are polymerised to a resultant product known as
A. PVC B. Bakelite
C. Polyester D. None of the above

337.  Polyethylene is produced by
A. Condensation polymerization B. Addition polymerization
C. Colpolymerization of ethylene monomers D. None of the above

338.  Thermoplastic and thermoset polymers differ in
A. Glass transition temperature B. Thermal behaviour
C. Mechanical behaviour D. All of the above

339.  Which of the following class of materials are good conductors of heat and electricity?
A. Metals B. Ceramics
C. Polymers D. Dielectries

340.  The crystal structure of a material can be studied by
A. Electron microscope B. X-ray difraction
C. Electron probe X-ray microanalyser D. All of the above

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