Engineering :: Engineering Materials

311.  Which of the following is not a semi-conductor?
A. Silicon B. Tetraethyl lead
C. Gallium Arsenide D. Germanium
E. All of the above    

312.  A hydrogen atom has
A. Two electrons B. No neutrons
C. No protons D. One each electron, neutron and proton
E. None of the above    

313.  Which of the following ray has least wavelength?
A. Cosmic rays B. X-rays
C. Ultraviolet rays D. Infra-red rays
E. Yellow light rays    

314.  X-rays cannot penetrate through
A. Copper B. Lead
C. Wood D. Paper
E. Brass    

315.  Which of the following rays are neither deflected by electric field nor by magnetic field?
A. ?-rays B. ?-rays
C. ?-rays D. X-rays
E. None of the above    

316.  Silicon steel used for electrical purposes has silicon percentage of
A. 0.50% B. 1.50%
C. 2.50% D. 3.40%
E. 13.40%    

317.  Which of the following materials have maximum magnetic permeability?
A. Pure iron B. 4% silicon steel
C. Gram oriented Si-Fe D. Iron carbide

318.  In fibre glass reinforced plastics, the glass fibres are primarily used to improve
A. Mechanical properties of plastics B. Electrical properties of plastics
C. Thermal properties of plastics D. Surface properties of plastics
E. None of the above    

319.  The Miller indices of the diagonal plane of a cube are
A. 110 B. 111
C. 100 D. 0
E. 10    

320.  Dislocations in materials are
A. Point defects B. Line defects
C. Planer defects D. Either point or planer defects
E. Either point, line or planer defects    

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