Engineering :: Engineering Materials

271.  In an one component system containing two phases, at equilibrium the number of degrees of freedom would be
A. 1 B. 2
C. 3 D. 4
E. Infinite    

272.  Which of the following material has highest specific gravity?
A. Brass B. High carbon steel
C. Lead D. Aluminium
E. Copper    

273.  Which of the following material has lowest specific gravity?
A. Brass B. Copper
C. High carbon steel D. Zinc
E. Aluminium    

274.  Viscoelastic materials show behaviour which is
A. Time dependent B. Independent of time
C. Elastic D. Inelastic
E. Plastic    

275.  In Brinell hardness testing, while determining hardness of aluminium
A. Indenting ball of smaller diameter is used B. Time of loading is reduced
C. Load on the indenter is reduced

276.  Isotropic materials have
A. Same elastic properties in all directions B. Different elastic properties in different directions
C. Variable thermal as well as electrical conductivity D. Different compressive and tensile stresses at different locations in the same material
E. Cannot take shear as well as tensile stress    

277.  Super conductors
A. Are non-metallic substances B. Exist at temperatures below 10?K
C. Are the purest forms of metals D. Are the density metals without voids
E. Are non-crystalline    

278.  In which of the following case creep is an important consideration?
A. Exhaust valve of a diesel engine B. Blades of a steam turbine
C. Flywheel of a petrol engine D. Piston of an air compressor
E. Shaft of a centrifugal compressor    

279.  The phenomenon of 'weld decay' is associated with
A. Cast iron B. Manganese steels
C. Aluminium alloys D. Brass
E. Stainless steels    

280.  Which of the following material has least coefficient of expansion?
A. Y-alloy B. Invar
C. Brass D. Manganin
E. Dead mild steel    

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