Engineering :: Engineering Materials

181.  Inconel is an alloy containing
A. Copper, nickel and cobalt B. Nickel, chromium and iron
C. Nickel, copper and iron D. Nickel, zinc and iron
E. Copper nickel and chromium    

182.  Sorbite' is obtained when
A. Quenching steel during transformation B. Steel is annealed
C. A fully hardened steel is finally 'drawn' at about 677?C D. None of the above

183.  Bush bearings is
A. Phosphor bronze B. Aluminium bronze
C. Mild steel D. White metal alloy
E. None of the above    

184.  A Babitt is
A. A cutectic of iron and iron phosphide B. A gadget for measuring volume
C. Antimony bearing lead or tin alloy D. A measure of magnetic induction produced in a material
E. None of these    

185.  Lime stone acts as a flux in a cupola. It is generally added in the proportion
A. 10 kg of limestone per tonne of iron B. 30 kg of limestone per tonner of iron
C. 100 kg of limestone per tonne of iron D. 500 kg of limestone per tonne of coke
E. One tonne of limestone per tonne of charge    

186.  A bot in cupola is
A. A flux B. A part of coupla
C. A kind of cast iron D. A clay plug to close tap hole
E. A defect in casting    

187.  Steel balls for ball bearings are generally made of
A. Stainless steel B. Free carbon steel
C. Carbon chrome steel D. Nodular cast iron
E. Cast steel    

188.  The hardness of steel depends on
A. Heating temperature before quenching B. Amount of carbon it contains
C. The shape and distribution of carbides in iron D. Percentage of alloying elements
E. Basic process from which it is produced    

189.  The cast iron has
A. High ductility B. High malleability
C. High tensile strength D. Elastic limit close to ultimate breaking strength
E. None of the above    

190.  Machining properties of steel are improved by adding
A. Chromium B. Nickel
C. Cobalt D. Lead
E. Silicon    

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