Engineering :: Engineering Materials

101.  Steel cannot be hardened unless it is heated
A. Above the lowest critical point B. Above the middle critical point
C. Above the highest critical point D. Between the first and second critical point
E. Between the second and third critical point    

102.  When piece of 0.2% carbon steel is heated above third critical point the steel is a solid solution of carbon in gamma iron and called
A. Austenite B. Pearlite
C. Cementite D. Eutectoid
E. Ferrite    

103.  The solid solution carbon in alpha iron obtained on cooling of 0.2% carbon steel which have been heated above the third critical point is called
A. Ferrite B. Pearlite
C. Austenite D. Cementite

104.  In a 0.2% carbon steel which has been heated above the third critical temperature on cooling at the first critical point the austenite remaining in solution is transformed to new structure called
A. Ferrite B. Pearlite
C. Austenite D. Cementite

105.  Steel with 0.8% carbon and 100% pearlite is called
A. Eutectoid B. Hyper-eutectoid
C. Austenite D. Solid's
E. None of the above    

106.  Coarse grained steels
A. Are very tough B. Are less tough
C. Do not have tendency to distort D. Are denser
E. Are lighter    

107.  A steel having ferrite and pearite is
A. Soft B. Hard
C. Ductile D. (A) and (B) above
E. (A) and (C) above    

108.  The maximum hardenability of any steel depends on
A. The carbon content B. The chemical composition
C. The grain size D. The alloying elements present
E. None of the above    

109.  The essential gradient of any hardened steel is
A. Martensite B. Austenite
C. Cementite D. Pearlite
E. Carbon    

110.  Delta iron occurs at temperature in the range of
A. Room temperature to 600?C B. 600?C to critical temperature
C. Between 800?C and 1200?C D. Between 1400?C and 1530?C
E. None of the above    

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