Engineering :: Engineering Materials

1.  Within elastic limits
A. Load is less B. Load is gradually applied
C. Load is static D. Deformation is proportional to the load
E. Deformation is permanent    

2.  A body which is permanently deformed is said to have undergone
A. Elastic deformation B. Limit of elastic deformation
C. Uniform deformation D. Non-uniform deformation
E. None of the above    

3.  According to Hooke's law
A. Stress is proportional to strain B. Stress/strain is constant
C. Average stress is proportional to average strain D. Within elastic limits average stress is proportional to average strain
E. None of the above    

4.  Identify the correct statement
A. All materials undergo plastic deformation B. A completely brittle material would not fracture at elastic limit
C. Brittleness is an important engineering consideration, because it allows the materials to redistribute localized stresses D. In elastic materials yield stress and tensile strength are practically identical
E. A metal which is brittle in tension may be ductile under hydrostatic compression    

5.  A body which does not contain voids or empty spaces is known as
A. Continuous body B. An isotropic body
C. Heterogeneous body D. Crystalline body
E. None of the above    

6.  The limiting load beyond which the material no longer behaves elastically is known is
A. Breaking load B. Limiting load
C. Load bearing capacity D. Plastic limit
E. Elastic limit    

7.  Identify the correct statement
A. A metal which is brittle in tension at room temperature can become ductile in the presence of notches B. A metal which is brittle in tension t room presence of embrittlement agents such as hydrogen
C. A metal which is ductile in tension at room temperature can become brittle in the presence of notches D. A metal which is ductile in tension at room temperature can become brittle under gradual rate of loading
E. None of the above    

8.  The defect responsible for the phenomenon of slip, by which most metals deform plastically, is known as
A. Fracture B. Twinning
C. Dislocation D. Strain hardening
E. None of the above    

9.  Fatigue failure occurs when a part is subjected to
A. Tensile stress B. Compressive stress
C. Torsion D. Fluctuating stress
E. None of the above    

10.  Stress concentration occurs when
A. A body is subjected to excessive stress B. A body is subjected to unidirectional stress
C. A body is subjected to reversing stress D. A body is subjected to fluctuating stress
E. A body is subjected to non-uniform stress distribution    

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