Engineering :: Production Engineering

681.  The property due to which sand grains stick together is known as
A. adhesiveness B. cohesiveness
C. permeability D. plasticity

682.  The property of sand due to which it clings to the sides of a moulding box, is called
A. permeability B. cohesiveness
C. electron affinity D. adhesiveness

683.  Which of the following defect in castings may develop due to inadequate venting?
A. Blow holes B. Cold shuts
C. Misruns D. Inclusions

684.  The riser in a mould should be located in such a way so that
A. it is first to receive the molten metal B. it is last to solidify
C. it is first to solidify D. it touches all parts of the casting

685.  Which of the following is not a part of gating system?
A. Pouring basin B. Sprue
C. Gates and riser D. Vents

686.  Hardness tester used for determining the hardness of a core is bearly identical to which of the following?
A. Brinell hardness tester B. Vickers hardness tester
C. Rockwell hardness tester D. Shore's scleroscope

687.  CO2 sand is used
A. for mass production of castings B. for non-ferrous castings
C. for producing hard surface around the mould D. for low temperature alloys

688.  Shell sands are coated with
A. urea formaldehyde B. molasses
C. carbon disulphide D. silica grains

689.  Mould washes are used to produce
A. castings with different hardnesses at different locations B. smooth surface on castings
C. castings with symmetrical sections D. None of the above

690.  Core chaplet is
A. a surface coating on core so that core material does not fuse with the casting B. used to make core surface smooth
C. used to provide a supprt to the core D. a core dressing operation

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