Engineering :: Production Engineering

551.  In machine tools normally spindle speeds vary in
A. Arithmetical progression B. Geometrical progression
C. Exponential progression D. Logarithmic progression
E. None of the above    

552.  In broaching operation the accuracy that can be obtained is of the order of
A. 0.1 micron B. 1 micron
C. 10 micron D. 100 micron
E. 1000 micron    

553.  The shape of chips during broaching operation is
A. Continuous B. Short helical
C. Long-helical D. Closed spirals
E. Small fragments    

554.  To break the continuous chips
A. Use a chip breaker in the tool B. Cut the metal intermittently
C. Use high cutting speed and low feed D. None of the above

555.  Which of the following is a single point cutting tool?
A. Milling cutter B. Hacksaw blade
C. Grinding wheel D. Parting tool
E. File    

556.  Extrusion is the process of
A. Producing holes by arc B. Marking cup shaped articles using the force of explosion
C. Pushing the heated billet of metal through the orifice D. Metal shaping on presses
E. Welding two dissimilar metals    

557.  The operation of cutting holes in sheet by a press is known as
A. Drilling B. Slitting
C. Punching D. Trimming
E. Shearing    

558.  A special form of piercing in which the entire contour is not cut, is known as
A. Lancing B. Notching
C. Trimming D. Slotting
E. None of the above    

559.  When the capacity of a power press is expressed in 100 tonnes, it implies that
A. Dead weight of the press is 100 tonnes B. Total production of material will be 100 tonnes in a day
C. The maximum load that the press can apply is 50 tonnes D. All of the above
E. None of the above    

560.  Which of the following defect in castings is caused by the molten metal?
A. Scab B. Swell
C. Shrinkage D. Blowholes
E. All of the above    

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