Engineering :: Production Engineering

501.  Automobile gears are generally manufactured by
A. Hobbing B. Stamping
C. Extrusion D. Die casting
E. Rolling    

502.  Die casted gears are generally used in
A. Counters B. Toys
C. Cameras D. Any of the above
E. None of the above    

503.  Cast iron gears are used where
A. Stresses on gear are not high B. Size of the gear is large
C. High order of accuracy is not desired D. All of the above
E. None of the above    

504.  Nitrided steel is used for gears where
A. High hardness is desired on teeth B. Low speed operation is desired
C. Variable speed operation is desired D. Variable load operation is desired
E. Varying stresses are expected on teeth    

505.  Automobile gears are generally made of
A. Cast iron B. Cast steel
C. Alloy steel D. Non-ferrous materials
E. Nitrided steel    

506.  Aluminium gears are generally used in
A. Compressors B. Speed reducers
C. Instruments D. Worm wheels
E. None of the above    

507.  The material for worm wheels is usually
A. Aluminium B. Copper
C. Cast iron D. Bronze
E. Cast steel    

508.  A rack is a gear of
A. Infinite pitch B. Infinite module
C. Infinite diameter D. Infinite number of teeth
E. Infinite clearance    

509.  Shearing strain in the chip at shear plane is
A. tan (? - ?) + cot ? B. tan (? - ?) + tan ?
C. tan (? + ?) + cot ? D. tan (? - ?) - tan ?

510.  Stellite is a non-ferrous cast alloy containing
A. Tungsten, chromium and cobalt B. Cobalt and manganese
C. Molybdenum and vanadium D. Nickel, cobalt and chromium
E. Nickel, lead and zinc    

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