Engineering :: Production Engineering

411.  Which of the following process will be preferred for joining thin foils?
A. Gas welding B. MIG welding
C. Plasma arc welding D. DC arc welding
E. Thermit welding    

412.  During arc welding if the current is too low, it is likely to result in
A. Poor penetration B. Excess piling up of weld metal
C. Excessive electrode consumption D. All of the above
E. None    

413.  Plug welded joints are used
A. To join two pieces of metal in the same manner as riveted joint metals B. To join a circular metal with a flat job
C. For jobs carrying shear stress D. For jobs of dissimilar materials
E. For welding at selected spots only    

414.  For resistance welding
A. Voltage is low and current is high B. Voltage is high and current is low
C. Both voltage and current are high D. Both voltage and current are low
E. None of the above    

415.  Which of the following welding process is preferred for wrought iron?
A. Spot welding B. Thermit welding
C. Lesser welding D. Mig welding
E. Forge welding    

416.  For which of the following material TIG welding is preferred?
A. Mild steel B. Stainless steel
C. Aluminium D. Silver
E. Gold    

417.  The gases used in tungsten inert gas welding are
A. Helium and neon B. Argon and helium
C. Ozone and neon D. Carbonsioxide and nitrogen
E. Atomic hydrogen and neon    

418.  Which of the following material is difficult to be spot welded?
A. Cold rolled mild steel sheet B. Hot rolled mild steel sheet
C. Stainless steel D. Copper
E. None of the above    

419.  In which of the following welding process the two pieces to be joined are over-lapped and placed between two electrodes?
A. Spot welding B. Seam welding
C. Butt welding D. Percussion welding
E. Projection welding    

420.  Which of the following is a multispot welding process?
A. Seam welding B. Percussion welding
C. Projection welding D. Thermit welding
E. Atomic hydrogen welding    

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