Engineering :: Production Engineering

371.  Choose the incorrect statement. Good machinability results in
A. Low components cost B. Moderate cuttng forces
C. Smaller chips D. All of the above

372.  Cutting speed in turning operations is maximum in case of
A. Cast iron B. Mild steel
C. Brass D. Bronze
E. Aluminium    

373.  Coolant used while turning cast iron is
A. Lard oil B. Soluble oil
C. Kerosene D. Soda water
E. None of the above    

374.  Cutting speed in turning operation for aluminium is
A. 15 m/min B. 30 m/min
C. 200 m/min D. 400 m/min
E. 1000 m/min    

375.  An accurate lathe in India is identified as
A. Mark I B. Accurate I
C. Grade I D. Precision I
E. Agmark I    

376.  In gang milling
A. Work is fed into the rotation of cutter B. Work moves in the same direction as the rotation of the cutter
C. Work moves in the opposite direction as the rotating of the cutter D. More than one cutter is simultaneously used
E. A cutter generates two or more plain surface simultaneously    

377.  The maximum peripheral speed of a grinding wheel is limited by
A. The work material B. The diameter of the wheel
C. The frive limitations D. The size of the work piece
E. The kind of bond used in the wheel    

378.  Which bond is commonly used in grinding wheel
A. Vitrified bond B. Silicate bond
C. Shellac bond D. Resinoid bond
E. Rubber bond    

379.  Which machine can be used for grinding the ball bearing outer races
A. Cylindrical grinding machine B. Centreless grinding machine
C. Magnetic chuck grinding machine D. Surface grinding machine
E. Universal grinding machine    

380.  Suitable change wheels for cutting 17 T.P.I. on 4 T.P.I. lead screw lathe are
A. 10 to 65 B. 15 to 85
C. 20 to 85 D. 30 to 105
E. None of the above    

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