CSS :: Pakistan Constitution 1973

231.  _______ Articles were substituted through Eighteenth Amendment.
A. 19 B. 20
C. 21

232.  Eighteenth Constitution Amendment amended _____ Schedules
A. 3 B. 4
C. 5

233.  Name of the N.W.F.P was substituted Khyber Pakhtunkhwa through
A. 18th Amendment B. 19th Amendment
C. None of the above

234.  Right to Fair trial is granted by Article 10A, of the Constitution of 1973 which was added by ______ amendment
A. 17th B. 18th
C. 19th

235.  Due to 18th amendment power of President to dissolve National Assembly under Article _____ was diminished
A. 58 B. 58(2)
C. 58(2)(b)

236.  Nineteenth Amendment was assented to by the President on
A. January 1 2011 B. January 1 2010
C. January 10 2011

237.  Nineteenth Amendment of Constitution of 1973 amended _____ Articles.
A. 6 B. 7
C. 8

238.  Constitution Twentieth Amendment Act was passed on
A. 28th February, 2012 B. 29th February, 2012
C. 28th April, 2012

239.  Twentieth Amendment of Constitution of 1973 amended _______ Articles.
A. 7 B. 8
C. 9

240.  Twentieth Amendment of Constitution of 1973 inserted Article _______
A. 219A B. 222A
C. 224A

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