CSS :: Pakistan Constitution 1973

221.  Constitution Sixteenth Amendment Act was enacted on
A. 3rd August, 1997 B. 3rd August, 1998
C. 3rd August, 1999

222.  Constitution Sixteenth Amendment was published in official Gazette on
A. 4th August, 1999 B. 5th August, 1999
C. 6th August, 1999

223.  Constitution Sixteenth Amendment amended ______ Articles
A. 1(27) B. 2(27, 29)
C. 3(27, 29, 40)

224.  Constitution Seventeenth Amendment Act was passed on
A. 30 December, 2003 B. 31st December, 2003
C. 1st January, 2004

225.  It was provided through ______ Amendment in the Constitution Article 58, after clause (2) the following new clause shall be added, namely (3) the President in case of dissolution of the National Assembly under paragraph (b) of clause (2) shall, within fifteen days of the dissolution, refer the matter to the Supreme Court and te Supreme Court shall decide the reference within thirty days whose decision shall be final.
A. 15th B. 16th
C. 17th

226.  L.F.O. is the abbreviation of
A. Law for Overseas B. Legal Framework Order
C. Law For Origin

227.  18th Constitutional Amendment Act was passed on
A. 19th April, 2010 B. 20th April, 2011
C. None of above

228.  Constitutional 18th amendment ______ Articles of the Constitution of 1973 were amended.
A. 69 B. 79
C. 89

229.  Constitution Eighteenth Amendment was published in Official Gazette on
A. 19th April, 2010 B. 20th April, 2011
C. 21st April, 2011

230.  Eighteenth Constitutional Amendment inserted _____ new Articles in the Constitution
A. 4 B. 6
C. 8

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