CSS :: Pakistan Constitution 1973

211.  Constitution Twelfths Amendment was enacted on
A. 28th June, 1981 B. 27th July, 1991
C. 28th August, 1991

212.  Constitution Twelfths Amendment was published in official Gazette on
A. 28th July, 1991 B. 28th August, 1991
C. 28th September, 1991

213.  Constitution of 1973 was amended by the Thirteenth Amendment on
A. 3rd April, 1997 B. 3rd May, 1997
C. 3rd June, 1997

214.  Through ______ Amendment on 3rd April, 1997 sub-clause (b) of clause (2) of Article 58 was omitted.
A. 11th B. 12th
C. 13th

215.  Through ______ Amendment new Article 63A (Disqualification on ground of defection) was added.
A. Thirteenth B. Fourteenth
C. Fifteenth

216.  Constitution Fourteenth amendment was enacted on
A. 3rd July, 1997 B. 3rd August, 1997
C. 3rd September, 1997

217.  Constitutional Fourteenth Amendment was published in official Gazette on
A. 3rd July, 1997 B. 4th July, 1997
C. 5th July, 1997

218.  Constitutional Fourteenth Amendment added _______ new Articles in the Constitution
A. 1 B. 2
C. 3

219.  Constitution Fifteenth amendment bill was passed by National Assembly on
A. 15th October, 1997 B. 15th October, 1998
C. 15th October, 1999

220.  Constitution Fifteenth amendment bill could not be passed due to
A. Lapse of time B. Dissolution of National Assembly
C. Illegality in procedure

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